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    来源: 日期:2011年01月10日 00:00点击:








    2023.04-至今,       伟德国际1946源于英国,伟德BETVlCTOR1946,教育部自然资源药物化学重点实验室教授

    2015.09-2023.04 自然资源药物化学教育部重点实验室,教授





    1997.11-1998.11,德国Mainz University有机化学所,科学工作者











    1)      基于芴类非常规棒状液晶的设计、合成及其手性复杂自 组装研究,国家基金(22261055),2023/1-2026/12

    2)      云南省云岭学者支撑计划,2019/1-2024 /1

    3)      云南省高校功能分子设计合成与应用科技创新团队、云南省教育厅, 2019/1-2020/12

    4)      官能团化铂大环液晶光敏剂的设计合成、自组装及应用,云南省科技厅-伟德国际1946源于英国联合基金重点项目,2018/1-2021/12

    5)      基于二聚噻吩、偶氮苯及苯并噻二唑的多功能不对称Polycatenar分子的设计合成、多元化自组装及应用研究,国家基金(21865038),2019/1-2022/12

    6)      D-A型极性弓形Bola分子的设计合成及其液晶自组装、光电性能研究,国家基金(21664015),2017/1-2020/12

    7)      三角四方拼砌的复杂液晶蜂窝结构设计研究,国家基金(21364017),2014/1-2017/12

    8)      基于苯基噻吩炔(三唑)不对称核的两亲性块状分子的设计合成及其自组装结构研究,国家基金面上项目(21274119, 2013/1-2016/12。(主持)

    9)      非常规棒状芳香咪唑离子液晶的分子设计,合成及自组装结构研究,国家基金面上项目(21074105, 2011/1-2013/12

    10)  多嵌段两亲性寡聚噻吩类液晶分子的设计合成及自组装行为研究,国家基金面上项目(20972133, 2010/1-2012/12

    11)  官能团化PAH及其大环类似物的合成,集聚和液晶行为的研究,国家基金面上项目(20472070, 2005/1-2007/1

    12)  有机功能材料-噻吩基有机半导体材料的合成及性质研究,云南省自然科学基金重点项目(2013FA007, 2013/1-2016/12

    13)  Bola及多醚链嵌段寡聚噻吩液晶构筑有序杂化异质结太阳能电池,云南省教育厅科学研究基金重大专项(ZD2015001, 2015/7-2017/7


    1)      Li Yaxi, Ruibin Zhang, Kutlwano Gabana, Qing Chang, Gillian A. Gehring, Xiaohong Cheng*, Xiangbing Zeng*, Goran Ungar*. Liquid crystal phase of counter-rotating staircases-A case of antiferrochirality. Nature Communications. 2022, 13, 384.

    2)      Yi Wang, Xiaoping Tan, Peng Pang, Bang Li, Xinrui Miao, Xiaohong Cheng*, Wenli Deng. Template-assisted 2D self-assembled chiral Kagome network for selective adsorption of coronene. Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 13991-13994.

    3)       Silvio Poppe, Xiaohong Cheng, Changlong Chen, Xiangbing Zeng, Rui-bin Zhang, Feng Liu,* Goran Ungar*, Carsten Tschierske*. Liquid Organic Frameworks: The Single-Network “Plumber’s Nightmare” Bicontinuous Cubic Liquid Crystal. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142, 3296-3300.

    4)      Yaxin Li, Huifang Cheng, Xiangbing Zeng, Yuan Tao, Xiaohong Cheng*, Goran Ungar*. Tailoring liquid crystal honeycombs by head-group choice in bird-like bent-core mesogens. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 8069-8076.

    5)      Deling Zhang, Yuantao Liu, Qing Chang, Xiaohong Cheng*. α-Cyanostilbene and fluorene based bolaamphiphiles: synthesis, self-assembly, and AIEE properties with potential as white-light emissive materials and light-emitting liquid crystal displays. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 17474-17481.

    6)      Yulong Xiao, Ruilin Zhang, Hongfei Gao, Hongmei Zhao and Xiaohong Cheng*. Benzothiadiazole-based bolaamphiphiles: synthesis, self-assembly and white-light emissive properties. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 1237-1245.

    7)      Yulong Xiao, Xiaoping Tan, Wei Xing, Kai Zhao, Bei Zhang and Xiaohong Cheng*. Coumarin-based emissive hexacatenars: synthesis, 2D and 3D self-assembly and photodimerization. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 10782-10792.

    8)      Huifang Cheng, Ya-xin Li, Xiang-bing Zeng, Hongfei Gao, Xiaohong Cheng, Goran Ungar*. Trigonal columnar self-assembly of bent phasmid mesogens. Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 156-159.

    9)      Xiaoping Tan, Ruilin Zhang, Chunxiang Guo, Xiaohong Cheng*, Hongfei Gao, Feng Liu,* Johanna R. Bruckner, Frank Giesselmann,* Marko Prehme, Carsten Tschierske*. Amphotropic azobenzene derivatives with oligooxyethylene and glycerol based polar groups. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 11202-11211.

    10)   Xiaohong Cheng*, Hongfei Gao, Xiaoping Tan, Xueyan Yang, Marko Prehm, Helgard Ebert, Carsten Tschierske*. Transition between triangular and square tiling patterns in liquid crystalline honeycombs based on tetrathiophene-based bolaamphiphiles. Chem. Sci., 2013, 4, 3317-3331.

    11)   Heng Dai, Xueyan Yang, Xiaoping Tan, Fawu Su, Xiaohong Cheng*, Feng Liu*, Carsten Tschierske*. Liquid crystalline 2-thienyl-4,6-diamino-1,3,5-triazines exhibiting Im3m and Pm3n micellar cubic phases in an inverted sequence; Chem. Commun., 2013, 49(90), 10617-10619.

    12)   Wei Bu, Hongfei Gao, Xiaoping Tan, Xing Dong, Xiaohong Cheng*, Marko Prehm, Carsten Tschierske. A bolaamphiphilic sexithiophene with liquid crystalline triangular honeycomb phase. Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 1756-1758.

    13)   Qingye He, Heng Dai, Xiaoping Tan, Xiaohong Cheng*, Feng Liu and Carsten Tschierske. Synthesis and characterization of room temperature columnar mesogens of cyclotriphosphazene with Schiff base units. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 7148-7154.

    14)    Xiaohong Cheng*, Feng Liu, Xiangbing Zeng, Goran Ungar*, Jens Kain, Siegmar Diele, Marko Prehm, Carsten Tschierske*. Influence of flexible spacers on liquid-crystalline self-Assembly of T-shaped bolaamphiphiles. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133(20), 7872-7881.

    15)   Xiaohong Cheng*, Xing Dong, Guanghui Wei, Marko Prehm, Carsten Tschierske*. Liquid-crystalline triangle honeycomb formed by a dithiophene based X-shaped bolaamphiphile. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2009, 48, 8014-8017.

    16)   Xiaohong Cheng*, Xing Dong, Rong Huang, Xiangbing Zeng, Goran Ungar*, Marko Prehm, Carsten Tschierske*. Polygonal cylinder phases of 3-alkyl-2,5-diphenylthiophene-based bolaamphiphiles: changing symmetry by retaining net topology. Chem. Mater., 2008, 20, 4729-4738.

    17)   Xiaohong Cheng, Malay Kumar Das, Ute Baumeister, Siegmar Diele, Carsten Tschierske,* Liquid Crystalline Bolaamphiphiles with Semiperfluorinated Lateral Chains: Competition between Layerlike and Honeycomb-Like Organization, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, 12930–12940.

    18)   Xiaohong Cheng, Marko Prehm, Malay Kumar Das, Jens Kain, Ute Baumeister, Siegmar Diele, Dag Leine, Alfred Blume, Carsten Tschierske,* Calamitic Bolaamphiphiles with (Semi)Perfluorinated Lateral Chains: Polyphilic Block Molecules with New Liquid Crystalline Phase Structures, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 10977–10996.

    19)   Xiaohong Cheng, Malay Kumar Das, Siegmar Diele, Carsten Tschierske,* Novel Liquid Crystalline Phase with Layer Structure, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2002, 41, 4031–4035.

    20)   Xiaohong Cheng, Siegmar Diele, Carsten Tschierske,* Molecular Design of Liquid Crystalline Block-moleculers: Semifluorinated Pentaerythritol Tetrabenzoates Exhibiting Lamellar, Columnar, and Cubic Mesophases, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2000, 39, 592–595.


    Xiaohong Cheng, Hydrogen bonding for Supramolecular Liquid crystals, Charper 5, Hydrogen Bonded Supramolecular Materials, ZT Li, LZ Wu(eds) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015.


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